
Moving Forward 2055 is being developed collaboratively with NYMTC member agencies, stakeholders, and members of the public – like you!

Both virtual and in-person events have offered members of the public the opportunity to provide input that will help guide the development of the Plan. These have included in-person pop-up events across all three NYMTC sub-regions, virtual focus groups, and a series of online topical forums.

Learn about our outreach activities below, and sign up for the project mailing list to be informed about other ways to get involved!

A New York City street closed down to vehicle traffic and open to pedestrians

Upcoming Engagement Activities

Check back for upcoming events.

Past Engagement Activities

Topical Forums

During the months of April, May, and June of 2024, NYMTC held a series of Online Public Forums with regional experts for participants to share their insights on critical transportation issues, needs, and opportunities in the areas of freight, active transportation, human services, safety, micromobility, alternative energy sources, curb and parking management, and technology.

April 9, 2024 | Moving Freight - NYMTC Regional Freight Forum

Regional experts and participants spoke about how trends in manufacturing, cargo delivery, and consumer behavior could impact the region's transportation system and change personal and business transportation needs.

April 16, 2024 | Moving Actively - NYMTC Regional Active Transportation Forum

Regional experts and participants spoke about active transportation (biking, walking, or rolling) trends, priority projects, and gaps in safe connections for all users.

April 30, 2024 | Moving Accessibly - NYMTC Regional Human Services Transportation Forum

Regional experts and participants spoke about mobility needs for human services, healthcare transportation access, and transportation for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

May 21, 2024 | Moving Together Safely: Pedestrian and Cyclist Opportunities for Sharing Space - NYMTC Regional Safety and Micromobility Forum

Regional experts and participants spoke about the region’s micromobility services, including electric bikes and scooters, for pedestrians and cyclists, and how to share space safely among all transportation system users. 

June 4, 2024 | Moving with Alternative Energy: Current and Emerging Trends - NYMTC Regional Alternative Energy Sources Forum 

Regional experts and participants spoke about the region’s alternative transportation energy sources, including vehicle technologies and charging networks.

June 11, 2024 | Moving Efficiently: Exploring Curb and Parking Management Needs - NYMTC Regional Curb and Parking Management Forum

Regional experts and participants spoke about the region’s shared curb space and efficient parking for all transportation services. 

June 25, 2024 | Moving to the Future: Smart Systems for Transportation - NYMTC Regional Transportation and Technology Forum

Regional experts and participants spoke about issues and opportunities in the region’s new and emerging transportation technologies for personal and freight mobility.

Pop-Up Events

In the months of October and November 2023, we held pop-up events across the NYMTC region to launch the planning process and get feedback from you.

October 7, 2023 | Long Island Fall Festival, Huntington, New York

October 8, 2023 | Nyack’s Famous Street Fair, Nyack, New York

October 21, 2023 | Hempstead Lake Fall Family Freshwater Fishing Festival, Hempstead, New York

October 28, 2023 | Bed Stuy Alive, Brooklyn, New York

November 8, 2023 | White Plains TransCenter, White Plains, New York

November 17, 2023| Concourse Plaza, The Bronx, New York

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